CES - Consumer Electronics Show 2024German Exhibitors sensmore


Booth number: 55439-02

About us

sensmore is an AI software company based in Berlin, Germany, bringing radar-driven Automation 2.0 to heavy machinery. By leveraging novel radar technology and AI, sensmore solve automation challenges for heavy machinery in harsh conditions where vision-based systems fail. sensmore’s radar-driven AI enriches radar data to provide an unprecedented scene understanding of the environment. A scene understanding that works effectively in even the most severe conditions, whether it’s rainy, foggy, or muddy terrain. All radar-driven features will be working in surface, hybrid, and underground environments, contrary to existing solutions. Our team consists of autonomous driving and radar software experts with experience from leading automotive players (Mercedes Benz, ZF, & Continental). sensmore is backed by top-tier investors and mining industry veterans, incl. Amar Shah (Co-founder Wayve), Arnoud Balhuizen (ex c-level BHP, board member Teck), Elmar Leiblein (ex c-level ThyssenKrupp Mining).

sensmore equipped 2 Komatsu 785 in an active operation a global building material operator

sensmore radar-driven AI to create a unprecedented scene understanding

Representative environment, quarry, mines (surface, hybrid, underground).

sensmore co-founder & CEO, Maximilian, at CEMEX Venture Construction Startup Competition in US (3)

sensmore co-founder & CEO, Maximilian, at CEMEX Venture Construction Startup Competition in US (1)

sensmore conducted MVP run of a fully automated LHD with Paus - radar-only, no GPS, lidar, or camera


Paul-Lincke-Ufer 39/40
10999 Berlin

Phone:  +49 1765 5546985

Contact person:

Maximilian Rolf
Co-founder | CEO
E-mail: maximilian.rolf@sensmore.ai
Phone: +49 1765 5546985

Products & Services

Computer Technology

Radar-driven AI enabling the following features:

  • NextGen Collision Warning & Observability Platform
  • 3D Live Mapping
  • Radar-driven Localization
  • Autonomous haulage, primary & secondary system

NextGen Collision Warning & Observability Platform

- Radar-only, AI-driven
- Works at high speed (above 50km/h)
- Detects and classifies objects & environment in long distance (up to 1000m)
- Relies purely on AI / software, no need for vast RFID tag or GPS hardware infrastructure
- Provides live insights / observability into the operation beyond mere collision warnings for drivers
- Putting warning into situational context, making context-aware recommendations to drivers and operators

3D Live Mapping

Contemporary methods see operators largely dependent on drones or mapping companies that survey mining, quarry, or construction sites using lidar-equipped drones on a periodic basis. Introducing sensmore's radar-driven AI into operational equipment trims data update intervals from weeks to mere seconds, bestowing operators with real-time 3D mapping data—crucial for heightened visibility and swift anomaly responses.

Radar-driven Localization

For surface operations, most solutions rely on GPS, an approach to location that falters in GPS denied areas at the surface, in hybrid setting, and underground environments. Existing radar solutions, largely confined to 2D localization tasks, are predominantly rolled out in surface contexts. Moreover, these solutions rely on a mechanically spinning 2D radar, which is less reliable compared to sensmore’s solid-state 4D imaging radar approach.

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